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We'll source the best local professional within the hour.

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How does it work?

As soon as you submit your enquiry, we will search high and low to find the best service providers in your area, filtering them according to your specific needs. The service provider will then contact you using your preferred method of communication.

From that point on, it is up to you and your service provider to agree on exact pricing and arrange the service.

What services are available?

Anything local service you can think of. Here are some examples:

  • Photography - Have an expert capture the magic of your wedding, get professional headshots for your online presence, or create flattering product images.
  • Drone filming - Record a sports event, or use as a cost-effective way to inspect your roof.
  • Physiotherapy - Correct the damage of sitting all day, or get back to top form for your sport.
  • Music lessons - Have you always wanted to learn the piano, or do you want your child to find their passion? We are here to help!
  • Gardening - Grow your own horticultural paradise, or simply keep the garden tidy.
  • Web design, accounting, personal assistance, or any other local service. Just get in touch and we will do whatever it takes to make it happen.
How much will the service cost?

Our service providers set their own rates to accommodate regional variations and the specific nature of your job. If you have a specific price range or hourly rate, let us know in the job description and we will target service providers accordingly.

Are you a service provider?

We believe our philosophy makes ServiceSorted the best platform for you.

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